Welcome to The Gibbon Experience!

We built the world’s highest treehouses so you can glide through the forest canopy by day and wake up to the symphony of the jungle by morning.

Your interest and presence in the forest has raised awareness for the need for its conservation, and made the creation of the Nam Kan National park possible.

Today, hundreds of people from local communities earn their livelihoods through this conservation project. By visiting the treetops of the Gibbon Experience, you are not only protecting the National Park, but also supporting an entire community dedicated to preserving its future.



The Gibbon Experience is a tourism-based conservation program. It is mainly known for its canopy set-ups featuring incredible tree houses and ziplines.

We believe a canopy-level tree house is a great nature observatory and a privileged spot to meet new friends – locals or foreigners – far removed from ethnic oddities and related clichés.

By visiting our setup, worldwide travelers discover their passion and show their support for forest conservation.


The world highest tree houses

Because we build the world highest tree houses you can wake up surrounded by gibbons.

Zipline 1345
ZIP down to the top

Visiting its treetops, you are protecting the Nam Kan National Park.

Sustainable Agriculture

Hundreds of forest people now make a living from this conservation project.

National Park Patrols

People living in the forest are the first ones to suffer from its destruction.

Trend-setting tourism

The Gibbon Experience is a tourism-based conservation program.


  • "Well-known as one of Laos’s most unique accommodations, the Gibbon Experience is a two- or three-day adventure into some of the country’s most pristine forest canopy"
    National Geographic
  • "It's an incredibly special travel moment you won't find anywhere else in the world made possible by the Gibbon Experience"
  • "The tree houses [...] are a thing of architectural wonder, straddling the giant trunks of strangler fig trees. But more extraordinary still is that to reach these vertiginous eyries you’ll have to trek through the fecund realm of the tiger, then catch a series of exhilarating zip lines strung across the forest canopy, before flying into your night’s accommodation."
  • "Not only is this exhilarating adventure one of the most unforgettable experiences in Southeast Asia, it’s also one of its most effective conservation concepts."
    Eliot Stein
    The Washington Post
  • "Agile ape man I am certainly not, but in true Tarzan style I let off a mighty howl that echoes through the ­treetops. The sheer scale of the beauty that surrounds me is ­astounding"